Do you work for Kansas City Public Schools or Center School District and have innovative program ideas for improving the educational experience and/or environment for students? Submit nominations here for a chance to win $10,000 for your school. (Nominations open again, October 2025)
What school initiative or program is BeGreat Together looking for?
The simple answer is: Any K-12 public schools with envisioned or existing services, initiatives, or programs that support the educational environment or experience for students and could use up to $20,000 to get started or grow. A focus on schools in disinvested communities is required. You can nominate UP TO TWO initiatives or programs.
We require just two things:
1. Each school initiative or program is within a K-12 public school with 80% or more minority student enrollment
2. Nominations must be made by internal school staff or program leadership, with a school email address